Modern Motivation to Get Spinning
/From caos to order- sorting an Old Norse (Villsau) fleece
Carving time out of a busy day to work on my Golden Egg project is hard. So I’ve gone outside the Medieval box and am using this year’s Tour de Fleece and Vuelta a Lana spinning groups to kick me into action.
Tour De Fleece (TdF) is an annual event paralleling the Tour de France bicycle race, this year running July 7-29. As the cyclists spin their way around France, the Ravelry spinners work to meet their own personal challenges, be it spinning a set distance or weight of yarn, stash-busting, or attempting a new technique.
Getting rolling
My goal for TdF 2018 was to start spinning again, both on wheel and spindles. Happily, I managed to spin daily for all 22 days, including the rest days. I completed 130 m wool sewing thread (featured in this post), two spools of mystery wool singles, and started a rather ambitious art yarn project that will be blogged at a later point.
Motivational Momentum
Rinsed and ready to be combed- Old Norwegian Spelsau
TdF got me back to spinning, but was over far to quickly. Evidently, I was not alone feeling geared up and ready to spin more.. When the Vuelta a Lana (VaL) FaceBook group formed to follow the Vuelta Espania 2018, I was not slow to join. VaL will roll August 25– September 16. I’m already preparing fiber, and this time it will be all about sampling and producing different yarns for the Golden Egg project. Some Old Norwegian Spelsau has lost most of its kempy undercoat, and been given a cold water rinse. Soon it will meet the combs and distaff. A larger quantity of Old Norse (Villsau) lamb is also getting sorted– clean locks in one basket, dirty locks in another, preparing for a rinse, while filth and VM is headed for the compost pile. I prefer to do this sorting outside, letting the breeze carry away all the guck.
Now, to keep the forward momentum!
Online resources:
- Ravelry:
- Ravelry Tour de Fleece forum:
- FaceBook Tour de Fleece 2018 group:
- FaceBook Vuelta a Lana 2018 group:
- Thrums, Threads and Thoughts for Thora blogpost on spinning thread: